I put the wry in writer and the dood in doodler.

I didn't start writing until after college.

I grew up in San Diego, surfing when I wasn't playing soccer. I studied Environmental Sciences at UC Berkeley and worked as a biologist on powerline projects after graduation. One day at work, field book in hand, I started writing.

Like an addict I couldn't stop.

My first love was poetry — sharp, visual language. My second love was fiction — more page to expand. My third love is a combination of the two — screenwriting.

Then I started drawing.

Comics, children’s books, birthday cards — as long as it’s 2D I’ll take a shot at it. I truly enjoy the melding of pictures and words.

Now I write copy professionally.

When my head isn’t lost in the clouds of picture books and screenplays I help companies craft their stories. Contact me if you have a project in mind.